{{:pasted:20210923-065117.png}} My Operating system is Lubuntu 14.04 (currently). The default screenshot application is called scrot. When you use the keyboard shortcut, scrot silently deposits the screenshot image in ~/home. Unfortunately, it does not put a copy in the clipboard. For the Dokuwiki imagepaste plugin to work, the image must be in the clipboard. I installed gnome screenshot using the package manager, when you take a screenshot with gnome-screenshot, you get the option to copy to clipboard. {{:pasted:20140921-073823.png}} After installation, screenshot appears in the menu under Accessories. Dokuwiki imagepaste plugin only works with the chrome browser, see the installation page:- [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:imgpaste#installation]] Save screenshot to clipboard, then CTRL+V to paste into a dokuwiki page opened for editing. {{:pasted:20141124-133708.png}} {{:pasted:20201202-125325.png}}