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 * flashLED.c
 *  Created on: 21-Feb-2011
 *      Author: user
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
// This program will turn the LEDs on for 100ms,
// then off for 200ms, endlessly.
int main(void)
  // Set Port B pins for 3 and 4 as outputs
  // PORTB bit 3 = physical pin #2 on the ATTINY45
  // PORTB bit 4 = physical pin #3 on the ATTINY45
  DDRB = 0x18;  // In binary this is 0001 1000 (note that is bit 3 and 4)
  // AVR-GCC also would accept 0b00011000, by the way.
  // Set up a forever loop using your favorite C-style 'for' loop
  for ( ; 1==1 ; )  // loop while 1 equals 1
    // Set Port B pins for 3 and 4 as HIGH (i.e. turn the LEDs on)
    PORTB = 0x18;   // If we wanted only PB4 on, it'd be PORTB=0x10
    // Use a function (defined in delay.h) to pause 100 milliseconds
    // Set PORTB to be all LOWs (i.e. turn the LEDs off)
    PORTB = 0x00;
    // Delay for a 200ms
return 1;